Electron Microscope Vibration: An Increasing Issue in Today’s Laboratorieswewewe
Electron microscope vibration is an increasing concern in modern laboratories because of improving resolution and extended duration imaging. At higher resolution, external vibrations have a proportionally greater impact on image quality. Also, extended duration imaging and 3D reconstructions cause image quality to be more susceptible to incremental sources of vibration
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Active vs. Passive Vibration Isolationwewewe
Active vs. passive vibration isolation, understanding the difference is critical to mitigating the impacts of vibration on equipment performance. Passive isolation systems use the natural properties of a spring and a dampener to reduce vibration.
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What are VC-Curves, why are they useful, and how are they relevant?wewewe
Vibration Criteria Curves, or VC-Curves, are a standard way to report vibration. They are helpful because they allow users to compare vibration levels across locations using a standardized, widely accepted format. However, electron microscopes
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How EMI Cancellation Systems Workwewewe
An EMI cancellation system cancels electromagnetic interference (EMI) that degrades electron microscopes performance. Using a sensor, controller, and field canceling loops, the EMI cancellation
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