Which System Is Right For You?

Magnetic Field Cancellation System Selection

At VEC, we understand there isn’t a one size fits all solution for magnetic field cancellation systems. Each laboratory, microscope, tool, and application is different and requires a unique field cancellation system design and installation to meet your unique needs. Besides the type of magnetic field that requires cancellation, the length of the electron beam column, magnetic field strength, and microscope resolution are all key factors that inform magnetic field cancellation system selection.

Dual Loop Room Installation

VEC recommends dual loop magnetic field cancellation systems for TEMs because they provide uniform magnetic field cancellation along the entire electron beam column. A VEC engineer will design and tune your cable layout to optimize field cancellation and provide you with the best image possible. To achieve this, sometimes, the VEC often installs field canceling loops in locations that cause the cables to be visible along the laboratory walls. A VEC engineer will locally procure and install appropriate covers so that these cables blend in with the walls. In addition, cables running across the floor will either be routed below the raised floor, in the concrete slab, or with low-profile cable covers to prevent tripping hazards or interference with tool operations.

Performance: Reduce fields from 10 to 12 mG to 0.05 mG from 1.3m – 4.5m.

Dual-Loop-Cancellation System
Single-Loop-Cancellation system

Single Loop Installation

VEC recommends single-loop magnetic field cancellation systems are ideal for scanning electron microscopes (SEMs), dual beams, e-beam lithography, and other tools with shorter electron beam paths. Single loop systems have a single X cable, Y cable, and Z cable routed around the electron beam column. As with the dual loop system, a VEC engineer will design and tune your cable layout to optimize field cancellation and provide you with the best image possible. A VEC engineer will locally procure and install appropriate covers so that these cables blend in with the walls. In addition, VEC will avoid running the cables on the floor, so they do not present a tripping hazard or interfere with tool operations.

Performance: Reduce fields from 20 mG to 0.1 mG.

Frame Installation

A VEC engineer will design a custom frame based on the dimensions of your microscope to optimize cancellation and accessibility. The benefits of a frame are that it enables a dual-loop setup for an SEM or FIB creating more uniform fields along the electron beam column and that the system requires a smaller footprint enabling greater tool density. Frames allow customers to have multiple microscopes in close proximity or in the same room.

Performance: Reduce fields from 20 mG to 0.1 mG.

Frame-Cancellation Sytem
Enclosure-Cancellation System

Enclosure Installation

A VEC will install the field canceling coils inside the enclosure of the microscope. Many modern microscopes come installed with acoustic enclosures. As with the frame installation, the enclosure installation benefits from a dual loop system and allows for greater microscope density. Also, VEC will ensure that any crane access or servicing access is unobstructed by installing cable disconnects, as appropriate based on the unique microscope requirements.

Performance: Reduce fields from 20 mG to 0.1 mG.

Hybrid Installation

A VEC will install the field-canceling coils inside the microscope enclosure for the horizontal X and Y cables and then install dual-loop Z cables in the room. The hybrid installation provides uniform X and Y cancellation in the horizontal directions and then improved cancellation uniformity in the vertical direction with the Z cables. It provides improved performance vs. a full enclosure installation with minimal requirement to place cables across the floors, as is the case with a full dual loop installation.

Performance:  Reduce fields from 10 mG to 0.1 mG.

Hybrid-Cancellation System

Dual Cancellation
System Installation

VEC recommends installing a Dual Cancellation System on high-resolution transmission electron microscopes with tight magnetic field specifications at multiple locations along the electron beam column. As implied, the dual cancellation system uses two Spicer magnetic field cancellation systems, one optimized for the source and the second optimized for the high-resolution detectors and energy-filtering and spectroscopy instrumentation at the bottom of the column. Using the two sensors for each system allows VEC to optimize field cancellation to the center of the column where the microscopes are most sensitive. Although these systems require planning and careful cable routing, the Dual Cancellation System is more cost-efficient and less disruptive than passive shielding while providing outstanding magnetic field mitigation performance for AC and DC fields.

Performance: Reduce fields from 10 mG to 0.05 mG at Column and GIF.

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